30 Best Ways To Attract Referrals

How can I get referrals? I am sure that many times you have asked yourself that question. Surely, if you have tried it already, you will have noticed that sometimes it is not as easy as it seems. Having the best affiliate software is not always the answer to getting good referrals but once you get those having the best affiliate software would definitely help you gain more.

You will wonder if there is any way you do not know to win referrals, some way you could prove that you have not already tried. Well then, I present to you thirty ways that will help you earn referrals and thus be able to earn more money. Some forms are free and others are not, in which you will have to make an investment.

In any case, all of them give good results.

Later on, I will also talk about how to ask for a referral without being pushy. Let’s begin!

20+ Channels to Attract Referrals

Again, some of them might not be free, but I showed you everything I have got:

1. Use your personal social networks

Getting fans and subscribers are important. They are targeted people who are previously interested to our offer or referral program.

2. Add a link in the description of the profiles of social networks

When someone visits your social network, one of the first things they will see is your profile. They want to know who you are and whether you are offering something legit or not. Therefore, it is a very good place to place your links.

3. Facebook pages

Facebook pages can be used to attract people, if you have an online business it is important that you use this platform to be in contact with your audience.

4. Reddit

Depending on the strategy you use to capture users, you can use reddit page. However, the users here are extremely in-depth in terms of profile analysis. So, you must be someone who provides solution than just taking advantage

5. Become a member of communities and groups

In Facebook, you can find numerous groups related to your topic to which you can join and thus be able to communicate with other people in the same sector.

Surely you can take advantage to reach more people in your publications.

6. Twitter account

Twitter is one of the most used social networks. You can create a twitter account of the theme that you want.

It is a very good way if you want to announce your referral links in your tweets.

7. Make videos on YouTube

You can start creating videos, leaving your affiliate link in the description and the first comment of the video. This is a technique that many people use. 

8. Use LinkedIn

You can create a LinkedIn profile and do the same as in other networks.

This is one of the largest professional platforms in the world, surely there are people interested in your product, service, etc.

9. Put banners or bulletin boards on websites or forums

You can search web pages or forums related to thematic. You can talk with your webmaster to negotiate a bulletin board of whatever you want, in this case your link.

10. Refback

The Refback consists of sharing your earnings with your referrals. For example, if you earn a percentage of 50% of your earnings, you can offer 25%.

11. Referral chains

It consists of a series of referrals that follow one another in order of seniority. The chain works when the latter becomes a sponsor and the next one becomes a referrer.

This technique is useful when the site has many levels of referrals.

12. Join business groups similar to yours (in your niche)

Both in the online and offline, there are many business groups. Become a member of the group and if there is no group similar to yours, create it yourself!

13. Be part of forums

Be part of forums and become an active member of your community. Try to add value to the issues and help others.

Once you have a certain reputation, you can start leaving your links, as long as you comply with the rules of the forum.

14. Give your signature to the forums

In most forums, there is the option to leave a message or signature, below each comment you make. This is a good place to recommend the pages you want under your reference link.

15. Build your email list

The creation of a list of subscribers or “leads” is a perfect way to communicate with your audience and publish your affiliate program, product or service.

16. Personalized signature in email

A very good way to get referrals is by putting your affiliate link in the signature of your message.

Every time you send an email to a user this can be a possible referral, you just have to customize your email signature a bit.

17. Tell your friends and family

Tell your friends and family. You can recommend product and service you have tried and tell them the benefits you already get as a member. You can share your experience with them and help them when they start.

Keep in mind that you should be careful to recommend, never recommend something that you have not tried yourself.

18. Create your blog

A good way to get your referral link is to start with a blog. You just have to publish helpful long-form post consistently and nurture the SEO power. 

19. Use Blogs or your friend’s pages

If you are lucky enough to have a friend with a blog, page, forum, and alike, you can ask for a space to place your ad. If you don’t know him before, you can always reach them by giving an agreement with him to place your banner or ad

20. Use traffic exchange pages (only work for online business niche)

With the traffic exchange page, you will reach many people and they are perfect places to recommend your links.

21. Place posters of your promotion in strategic sites

In the city where you live, there are many places where you can hang posters announcing your offers. It is a somewhat peculiar technique but, depending on the sector you are in, it can work.

22. Buy advertisement in a magazine or newspaper

This is a very old way and requires an initial investment. It is because ads in magazines and newspapers (both online and offline) are not free

Each magazine or newspaper always has a section where advertisers can buy the bulletin boards and promote their services or products. 

23. Recommendations on Quora questions answers

Quora is an immense community where people come to solve their doubts. You can take advantage of this portal to recommend the sites that interest you while you help and answer the questions that people do.

24. Write an eBook

The creation of an eBook can be a very powerful form of promotion. Not only you can place your referral links, you can also take advantage to sell your own offer that interests users who read your eBook.

25. Create a landing page/ Squeeze page

A landing page is a very effective way to boost the growth of your referrals. Landing page with which to receive referrals. You can lead people to your landing page through your social networks or other websites and there you can post your recommendations.

26. Write comments and reviews to advertise

Take advantage of the comments sections of blogs or social networks to write comments and reviews with your affiliate links. Keep in mind that you always need to provide value and without spamming.

27. Facebook ads, Push Notification Ads, and Native Ads

Those are recommended places if you want to buy cheap clicks to gain targeted traffic for getting referral. Especially in Push Notification ads, some providers only charge you $0,003 per click

28. LinkedIn Social Selling

It is a social network for professionals where Social Selling is best done.

The first thing you will have to do in LinkedIn is to have a good profile to focus on this purpose, so that it is also consistent with your social media strategy.

Use your time to think about the best way to introduce yourself and make known what you do since this will be the first thing that other users see.

You have to make a good impression and show that you are an expert in social networks or else you will not make an effective Social Selling. Equally, it is very important that you optimize your profile with the most important keywords and appropriate to what you are dedicated to.

In this way, you will appear in more searches on LinkedIn and it will be easier for you to start your Social Selling strategy.

From there, you must work to create a network of contacts according to the target audience you have defined. This is one of the great advantages of LinkedIn, the facility it implements for Networking. This will increase your notoriety and certainly your sales opportunities.

It is also essential to join the groups that are most important in your sector to reach a greater number of people.

Finally, try to get recommendations from other people and professionals in the sector. It is essential to show a credible image about what you do and transmit confidence. I am sure that with these keys you will be able to generate good results from getting referrals with LinkedIn.

29. Badass Twitter Marketing 

Twitter can also be very useful to work the Social Selling, due to the ease of access and direct interaction with users.

Just like in LinkedIn, the first thing you should do on Twitter is to optimize your profile. Write an attractive and coherent biography that makes a good impression.

One of the great advantages that Twitter offers to make Social Selling (for example), is the creation of lists to establish different groups of users. It’s an easy way to get organized to manage your Twitter account and you can create a number of lists you want, both public and private.

The creation of lists allows you to segment the users, as for example in the following way:

  • Customers: very useful to know what your customers are looking for and interact with them more quickly.
  • Potential customers: As you expand your network of contacts on Twitter, you can identify which users could represent sales opportunities. It is advisable if you want to create this list that you do privately, thus avoiding that your competition captures the same users.
  • Competitors: you can create a list to quickly see what your competitors are doing and how they are connecting with your audience to try to improve the Social Selling strategy of your company.

If you are interested in creating this list, I would also advise you to do it privately.

30. Instagram Social Selling

This social network can also be very useful for practicing Social Selling. However, you must be careful when contacting your audience for the first time.

I mean, Instagram is more dedicated to entertainment and users are not as open to commercial offers as in previous social networks. Because of this, you can take advantage of it to offer entertainment content and encourage branding and engagement with your audience.

To start, you will have to create a company page if you do not have it yet. It is not appropriate if your goal is to make Social Selling use a personal profile.

The second step, as in all social networks, you should optimize your profile and show an effective profile bio.

From here, you will have plenty of possibilities to do Social Selling on Facebook, such as creating contests, raffles, events, having a closer contact with users, advertising and the ability to analyze statistics.

How to Avoid Being Pushy

As you can see, there are many ways to get referrals. Therefore, you should try and evaluate the ones that give you the best results, in order to increase your income. The most important thing is, you must offer some value.

A great value that (if possible) only you who can do it to the community. That way, you will be part of central attention. 

For example, if you are good in a certain niche, them help people having problems in those niches.

If you know any other way to win referrals, leave it in the comments.

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